Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Resisting the Urge SPEND

Yes, I realize it's been several weeks since I last blogged.  I was on the budgeting topic a while back.  Then I went to Hawaii and returned home only to have my somewhat failing health take a major downward spiral.  I'm not 100% yet, but I am feeling MUCH better now! That just to say, budgeting has not really been on my brain.  (Although I did manage to actually keep great track of my budget last month!)

So here we are in May already.  It's May Day (or Lei Day) in Hawaii, which was always a fun day.  I picked up some anthuriums and a pineapple for myself at Trader Joe's just to celebrate a little.  We have company arriving tomorrow, so I've been more motivated to get things organized at home while my two littlest ones have been on the war path to create even worse messes along the way.  Oh well.

You know how you can have something in your house that, after it's been there long enough, you just don't see it anymore? Like that stack of papers your son brought home from school that needs to be either tossed or saved in the keepsake box? Or that old dried-up Valentine's Day bouquet that's still sitting in your kitchen window box? Or the Christmas wreaths that still hang above your fireplace and on the wall in the family room? Yeah.  It's May.  And I still have put nearly nothing on my walls besides the "temporary" Christmas decor I hung quickly in December prior to hosting our family's celebration.

Merry Christmas.  Again.

Why haven't I taken it down? 1) I haven't felt well enough to think too much about it.  2) I don't have anything to replace it with.  3) A little dried up leftover Christmas decor has got to look better than a blank wall (or maybe not?).  4) I stopped seeing it.

One thing we love about having people over is that it gives us the bit of motivation we've lacked to fix things up here and there.  In the past, I have gone all out shopping for things for our house to try to achieve whatever look I'm going for, whether OR NOT we had the cash.  Yep, that began in my college days when retail therapy became my go-to solution for life's troubles.  So here I am now, with that old issue trying to creep back in, begging me to walk into TJ Maxx's home section and go on a shopping spree.  And it would be SO FUN! Much more fun than the alternative, which is boring blank walls and crunchy holidays wreaths.  (Until the bill arrives!)

But I won't do it! And writing this blog is my therapy, my way of saying NO and holding myself accountable.  haha  Oh, but it is so tempting because I like things to be happy and pretty and welcoming!!! I feel like throwing my version of a 2-year-old's tantrum and screaming, "But I WANT IT and I want it NOW!"

It was cute in December.
Before the kids ripped down half of my
Christmas photos from family & friends.
If I had the spare time and energy I would probably turn to Pinterest and get some ideas, muster up my creative juices and make something fun for my house.  And I hope to do that soon.  I splurged on some fresh flowers today and I am going to enjoy those for all their worth.

So that's it for now.  Just confessing my temptation and putting my foot down as far as over-spending is concerned.  Yes, it hurts the pride.  Yes, it flies in the face of holding up the image I would like to maintain.  Yes, it's less than perfect.  But when it comes to living a debt-free lifestyle, these are just a few of the sacrifices that have to be made in this season.  It's not always fun, but very worth it!